Rev. Chris Long
His Sanctuary Of Glory KL
Rev.Chris Long telah berkecimpung dalam Pelayanan Muda-Mudi selama 27 tahun. Pelayanannya membawa dia ke banyak Negara di Asia Pasifik termasuk Australia, Fiji, Commonwealth Of Mariana Islands, Jepun untuk berkhotbah di Perkhemahan dan Konferensi Muda-Mudi. Beliau juga adalah pastor eksekutif di Gereja His Sanctuary Of Glory KL dan telah berkahwin dengan Sherlin dan mereka diberkati dengan 3 orang anak (termasuk 2 remaja).
Rev.Chris Long has been involved in the Youth Ministry for the past 27 years. His travels have taken him to many Asia Pasific nations including Australia, Fiji, Commonwealth of Mariana Islands, Japan to speak in National Youth Camps and Conferences.
He is presently the executive pastors of His Sanctuary Of Glory KL and is married to Sherlin and they are blessed with 3 children (including two teenagers).
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